Friday, February 10, 2012

Thank You

Thank you all our followers...we are signing off and time to rest our weary heads!  It has been an amazing week under the shadow of the Tetons!

Memories Made

Yesterday while cross country skiing with team Soaring Eagle Flying Over Water While Catching Fish In Fight, I wiped out going down a huge hill. When we got back to the lodge I realized that my camera had fallen out of my pocket. I was so dissappointed that I had lost all the pictures from Yellowstone that I took. That night at dinner Bill, our group leader, gave me my camera saying he had found it on the trail. I was so greatful that he had found it! Losing my camera made me realize I wasn't sad about the camera being lost, but afraid of losing the memories. This week has made me realize that a lost camera won't make the memories go away because this week has been amazing.


So today was the last day...and it was awesome! We skied to the top of a rather large hill and ate lunch. We then went on to go down the side of what seemed like a mountain. Some flew down the hills while many others faceplanted. Those who faceplanted in turn took out who ever was behind them creating a great mess of poeple. It was rather funny. Anywho, we are now in the lodge creating prayer flags, and i'm about to miss my chance to creat one. I'll just tell the rest of my story latter.


Teton Science School has been a great experience. Over this whole week I have learned about the natural world. This last day at school was an intense hike. For most of the day we hiked up on cross country skis. Although it was snowing the whole day and the view at the top was disturbed, it still was a great day.. The achievment best part of the experience was the way down. Skiing down on those mini skis proved to be a struggle, but very rewarding once we made it down. Shredding the nar is one experience I will never forget.

--Alex Jensen

Reflection to an Awesome Week

I can't beleive that it has been a week already. It seems like I just arrived. However, I would have to say that today, Friday, has been the best day! The strenuous hike up to Coyote Cave was totally worth the awesome ski ride down. Even though it was freezing and snowy, the cross country ski ride down was a "once in a lifetime opportunity" and I will always look back on this experience.
     Coming in to TSS I didn't quite know what to expect, but after experiencing so many new and interesting things, I am astonished with all of the knowledge i've learned and the friends i've made! It truly was a magical experience!
-Nina Allen

The Final day

Sadly our week in the snow has come to an end. As a celebration of the week we cross country skiied up a gradual incline, over a few hill, and found ourselves on top of Coyote Rock. On the way down that gradual incline made for a much faster decline. Wipeouts were unavoidable. Falling into powder and getting stuck waist deep made for an eventful way down. Finding our inner spirits, creating a group totem pole, we're concluding our night. I'm very happy I had the oppertunity to participate in all of this and owe my parents a huge thank you.


Dude its been great this past week. I have made some huge changes with myself and my outlook on life while here. I know I'm pretty lazy and leave my blogging until the last night but that's okay. The friends I have made here make me want to stay for another week, but I eventually need to go home and finish school. But I know for a fact I'm coming back because that was the greatest five days of my life. Mom don't print this off and insert a cheesy picture and post it above our fire. Thanks everyone for an amzing week.


Ort Queen Part Deux

"When Teton is in ruin, you have my permission to die." -- Ort Queen

 The Ort Queen is going on a hunger strike. Her minion Mars Sturner is not here to eat her potato skins and onions. After her disgustingly rampant ort streak last year at the Tetons, she is now stealing all the food to take the joy of eating away from others. Lets just say nobody got any rice krispies last night. The weathers getting cold, but shes getting colder. Rebellion is on the horizon. The night is always darkest just before dawn.

Skinny J and Southern P, out
This trip has been amazing once again.  It may be the second time I have been here but I have thoroughly enjoyed every minute here at Teton Science School.  I love not having my phone. Being here is so calm and interesting I really don't want to leave.  This was awesome and I really hope I get to come back here sometime.

Jacob Stuivenvolt Allen '12 

My Week in the Tetons

Today is our last day in this beautiful place. I am so glad that I was able to experience so many new things and gain a deeper appreciation for everything around me. Last night we went on a silent night hike through the woods. As we laid down in the forest and looked at the millions of stars I felt incredibly peaceful (also a little scared that a carnivorous animal was creeping up behind me). It was a great experience. I have learned a lot this week and I am so excited to enjoy the last day. Today we are cross country skiing to Coyote Rock as a group and I am very excited. I have to say that everything here seems to have so much significance when you see the beautiful Tetons in the background.

-Danielle Gaztambide '12

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Tonight we went on a night hike. This was one of the coolest things I have ever done. We bundled up and headed out into the cold. Snowshoes strapped to our feet, we walked through the snow and into the forest. It was here that we were given the amazing opportunity to gaze at our universe and see the stars. this was such a cool experience. We have done so much more, but at 9:24 at night i just can't seem to find the words to describe it all. Simply put, it was awsome. Mom and Dad thanks for the opportunity!

- Nick Brown

Tetons Round Two

Teton Science School has been one of the greatest experiences for me, hence I am back for more.  Nature can never be repetitive, and never ceases to amaze me. One thing that I really enjoyed was our snow shoe hike tonight.  We went out after dinner dressed in close to 20 layers expecting it to be freezing but we were pleasently surprised. It was beautiful. We could see the Milky Way and practically every star in the sky.  We laid on our backs and star gazed under hundereds of towering pine trees. It was an experience I will never forget.  One thing I can take after coming here for two years that I can carry onto college next year is learning how to be independent and placed outside of my comfort zone. I value the time away from the world, away from the television and my cell phone and placed in an isolated location with 25 of my classmates. I have a newfound appreciation for nature and hope to find similar experiences in the future.
-Alyssa Corbett '12

Green Eyes

This trip has gotten progressively better each day. Yesterday we went to yellowstone, and it was a comforting feeling knowing you were standing on the volcanoe that could pottentially cover all of North America. Today was a research project bringing together all of our new knowledge followed up by a night hike. The night hike was easily the highlight of the trip so far. Moving with 29 people in the dark was an awsome experience, with nothing but the stars to light the way. While walking I looked above us in the woods and saw some green eyes looking our way; I kept this to myself.
Today we went back country skiing up to the high meadows where we had our lunch. The sun felt amazing as we were down to our base layers and T-shirts. We learned how to dig snow pits and measure and gather all the measurements and aspects of each of the different layers including the subnivean layer which we learned is where many small mammals burrow down into during the frozen winter to keep warm and cuddle together. The trails ended up leading to some pretty sketchy down paths but I learned that face planting is a great way to slow down. I have grown an extreme interest in learning about all the different categories of environmental science. Experiencing everything first hand has been an amazing learning experience and I am excited for the rest of our adventures. We are about to go on an extreme night hike tonight!!
                                           -Nick Metos -2013
 Team "Soaring Eagle Flying Over River While Catching Fish in Flight" poses for a picture at the base of the Tetons.
 The girls pose on their skis at Yellowstone.
 The Bison wander through the geyser basin in Yellowstone.
 Patrick and Mimi pose in front of Old Faithful.
Nick, Mimi, and Pat wait together for Old Faithful.
                                                          Learning to xs-country ski.

                                                   Before we left for Yellowstone

                                     Kids bask in the warm steam of the fumeroles in Yellowstone

                                             Looking at things through a different lens.
                                                                Watching Old Faithful
 Dom, Wilson and Josh discover how deep the snow really is.
 Team Wipeout poses for a photo at the base of the Tetons.
 Lizzie touches the top of the Tetons.
 The meadow where we dug our first snow pit.
 Dom and Josh dig the snow pit.
Erica, Lizzie, Wilson, and Olivia pose in the snow pit.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


SHOUT OUT TO MAMA B!!!!!!!! *cue awesome handshake

-syd schaf
We set out on the trail, our snowshoes crunching the snow. After a day of hard falls and cold fingers from cross-country skiing, snowshoeing was much appreciated. We trekked up to a frozen lake and ate our lunch in the company of Eugene the Raven. We saw remnants of fires that scarred the slopes and the new generation of trees growing next to the past devastation. Charred Lodgepole Pine trunks stood in stark contrast to the blanket of snow- totems watching over us as we hiked. Heading back to our bus, Bohemian Rhapsody echoing through the hills, the bruises subsided and the smiles took their place. Everything is breath taking.

There Once Was a Bird Named Eugene- a limerick

There once was a bird named Eugene,
The prettiest bird you have seen,
He sat on a tree,
Right next to me,
Oh, Eugene how I love your cawing.

-limerick by Syd and Grace


We will load some pics tonight...stand by!

Eugene The Raven

Today we were eating lunch by the Tetons. It was a very beautiful view. We were eating at the base of a frozen lake just below the enormous mountains. While we were eating, a raven flew above us and sat on a tree right next to us. It made a bunch of noises and calls, so we made a bunch of noises back. I expected the raven to leave pretty quickly after arriving, but it stayed for a good 20 minutes. Some of us, including Grace, had conversation with the raven. She asked how it was, and what it was doing. Soon she named it Eugene. She then asked, "Eugene, will you be my friend?" and the raven immediately flew off.

Post by Patrick Hickman

A day at the base of the Tetons

I was inspird today. The majestic mountains called to me.I feel one with the earth!
A junior


Today I learned that Mr. Angelo is the boss. No matter what you may think the definition of a word is his, if it conflicts with his, you are wrong. I was under the impression that a felony was a crime. As it turns out if you instigate something then it's a felony. If you walk along the path that will get you to your condo fastest you are also commiting a crime. If you leave the vans when you have nothing else to do you are an "instigator." Also if you do not go to bed on time he will "break your legs."
A terrified student.
P.S. I probably wont make it back in one piece if at all But i know he loves us!

Across the Tetons

Yesterday was our first full day at Teton Science School. We spent all the time in the field cross country skiing and learning about different trees and animal tracks. You can tell so much from tracks like what animal it was, how big it was, and what it was doing. My favorite part about yesterday was skiing into the National Park with my group. It was beautiful.
After the day was over we went over to the nearby museum, where one third of Olas and Mardy Murie's naturalist collection is. The other part of the collection is at the Smithsonian and at a University in Alaska. We watched a video about their dedication to conserving the planet. The part that most struck me about these individuals is their dedication to educating the youth about conservation. They are the founders of Teton Science School and have done so much for the West in terms of conservation.
-Paige '12

Monday, February 6, 2012

The Field Groups

TSS Day 1

The bus ride up to TSS was extremely fun and beautiful. The landscape of the area is awesome. But before we arrived at TSS we stopped in Jackson Hole for lunch and to roam around. After Jackson Hole we finally arrived at TSS and were welcomed with open arms. We were put into our cabins and make our rooms, then headed over to the main lodge for the rest of the day. We got a lesson on astronomy and were able to look at star constellations and the moon at night. After we got our first lesson we went to our cabin and went to bed, but unfortunately we stayed up a little too late and Mr. Angelo got mad. We just learned about animal tracks and now ready to go out to the field and find some new observations. #letsgettoit

TSS Day 1

First, we went sghopping in Jackson Hole.  Pretty uneventful.  Fortnunately we then arrived at TSS. Clearly this trip is going to be a blast.  We  had an astronomy lesson and got to observe various constellations in the sky.  Pretty cool.  We all stayed up late talking in the dorms.  Mr. Angelo got mad...

Today woke up at 6:30. #tired.  Ate a delicious breakfast of pancakes and OJ.  Learned about animal tracks. Ready to go out in the fields and do some observations.

Max '12

Day 1: Into the Wild

There is no going back now. After waking up at 6:30, I am refreshed and ready to go. The sun is shining on the beautiful Grand Teton Mountains and the sights are breathtaking. I am excited to go cross country skiing today. I have never been and will probably fall a bunch! I love being disconnected from the world. No technology, no distractions. Into the wild here we come!
-Lizzie '12

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Day 1: The Adventure Begins

Today the adventure began! Starting with a long bus ride at what felt like the crack of dawn, we headed to Jackson. In Jackson, we grabbed a bite to eat and went souvenir shopping. Quite a few of us hit the jackpot in the souvenir shops, finding a shop with at least a hundred different stencils that could be pressed onto t-shirts. Moving forward with wolf, bear, and eagle t-shirts in hand, we headed to the Kelly campus. From name games, a relay race, setting up, and hearing the rules, we've already started the adventure. It hasn't just been learning the rules and regulations so far, we've explored the stars as we learn about astronomy. Although it was freezing as we stood outside looking at different constellations, we heard a lot of interesting stories about the history of the constellations.
Erica '12

We arrive in Jackson Hole

We arrived in Jackson Hole at about 1:20, many of us were hungry and had to use the bathroom. Mr Angelo would not allow Reg(Jacob) to leave the bus because of dress code problems(he was wearing shorts). As we walked around the beautiful town of Jackson Hole we found a pizza place and ordered 4 pizzas and ate every single one. After devouring the pizza we all dispersed and went looking for clothes and other exciting things. After a while we noticed that Wilson had disappeared and returned only seconds before we left the town wearing a cowboy hat saying that he had rounded up cattle. In the end it was a great day in Jackson Hole.

           -Dylan Knight '13

Day 1 - Lessons in the Stars

So, we've arrived and there is much more snow than I had originally thought there would of been. After walking around the campus a and learning the ropes of the school we started getting down to business. We started with Astronomy today and apparently everybody does not know the moon is not actually made of cheese. We were able to see Jupiter and Venus tonight and looked at several constellations. It was actually more interesting than I thought the stars could have been. I'm excited to do more things throughout the week.

Christian Jacobs '12

We've Arrived

We are about to experience some of the most exciting things that Tetons has to offer. For the next five days we will be spending most of our day in the back country of the Tetons. We will learn about the animals that live here and the Eco-system they live in. Every night three to four kids will post stories from the day. Tune in daily for the exciting experiences of the day.
                                     -Joshua Goldsmith '12

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Counting Down the Days

After four months of planning and preparation, the day we have all been waiting for is only days away. As we begin packing our bags and preparing for the amazing week ahead there is an overwhelming sense of excitement. 25 of us will go and hopefully all 25 of us will return with a renewed spirit and an appreciation for the winter landscape that the Tetons have to offer.